Lamachree and Megrum

Melody -

When first I gaed to sair the fremt,
Lamachree and Megrum,
It was to Auchtiedoor I skeemt
Auld grey Megrum.

The Auld gude-wife smokes in the neuk,
Lamachree and Megrum,
A-orderin' at the throwither cook.
Auld grey Megrum.

The neist I gaed to Middlethird,
Lamachree and Megrum,
A better's nae abune the yird.
Auld grey Megrum.
  I gaed ance to Middletack,
Lamachree and Megrum,
There I got meat to make me fat.
Auld grey Megrum.

I there got buttered breid and cheese,
Lamachree and Megrum,
And oil to keep my sheen in grease.
Auld grey Megrum.

I took a turn at Yokie's hill,
Lamachree and Megrum,
The teuchest place I e'er gaed till.
Auld grey Megrum.

A hurb to hash and haick the loons,
Lamachree and Megrum,
There's nae his like in Buchan's boun's.
Auld grey Megrum.

The bothy ballads generally fall into a fairly simple structural pattern, consisting of four-line stanzas (A-B-A-B rhyming system) often followed by a chorus, The song given here is unique in that it makes use of a form more common to the traditional ballads - that is, a four-line stanza in which the second and fourth lines are refrains. The similarity to the traditional ballad form is further strengthened by the homonymic use of place names, creating the effect of incremental repetition and through the use of a strongly hypnotic melody.

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