Little Tom Dogget, What dost thou mean, To kill thy poor Colly, Now she's so lean? Refrain: Sing, oh poor Colly, Colly, my cow; For Colly will give me No more milk now. Oh, if I have killed her I can't her recall; I will sell my poor Colly, Hide, horns, and all. Refrain: |
Now in comes the tanner, His sword by his side, He bids me five shillings For my poor cow's hide. Refrain: And in comes the huntsman So early at morn, He bids me a penny For my poor cow's horn. Refrain: Poor Colly each year A fine calf did me bring, Which fetched me a pound, For it came in the spring. Refrain: |
The skin of my cowly Was softer than silk, And three times a day My poor cow would give milk. Refrain: |
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