1. Love's Herald flew o'er all the fields of Greece, Crying: "Love alter waits for sacrifice!" And all folk answered, like a wave of peace, With treasured offerings and gifts of price. 2. Toward high Olympus every white road filled With pilgrims streaming to the blest abode; Each bore rich tribute, some for joys fulfilled, And some for blisses lingering on the road. 3. The pious peasant drives his laden car; The fisher youth bears treasure from the sea; A wife brings honey for the sweets that are; A maid brings roses for the sweets to be. 4. Here strides the soldier with his wreathed sword, No more to glitter in his country's wars; There walks the poet with his mystic word, And smiles at Eros' mile recruit from Mars. |
5. But midst these bearers of propitious gifts, Behold where two, a youth and maiden stand; She bears no boon; his arm no burden lifts, Save her dear finger pressed within his hand. 6. Their touch ignites the soft delicious fire, Whose rays the very altar-flames eclipse; Their eyes are on each other - sweet desire And yearning passion tremble on their lips. 7. So fair - so strong! Ah, Love! what errant wiles Have brought these two so poor and so unblest? But see! Instead of anger, Cupid smiles; And lo! he crowns their sacrifice as best! 8. Their hands are empty, but their hearts are filled; Their gifts so rare for all the host suffice; Beore the alter is their life-wine spilled The love they long for is their sacrifice. |
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