Mito bekrijo

Melody - from Southern Serbia

Ponoc vec je prosla, vreme da se spije,
srce jos je budno, davnu zelju krije.
Ej, kraj pendzera stojim, cekam da ti vrata otvorim.

Zasto duso ne dodjes, da me kuci povedes,
da ti svoje srce predam, da ti staru majku gledam
Mito, Mito bekrijo.

Obeco si Mito, da ces jedne noci,
kad se varos smiri, ti po mene doci.
Ej, cvece tvoje belo, vec je cekajuci uvelo.

Zasto duso ne dodjes, da me kuci povedes,
da ti svoje srce predam, da ti staru majku gledam
Mito, Mito bekrijo.

Sa drugari svoji, po meane odis,
s vino i sa pesma, noci ti provodis.
Ej, mladost pusta prodje, Mito ti po mene ne dodje.

Zasto duso ne dodjes, da me kuci povedes,
da ti svoje srce predam, da ti staru majku gledam
Mito, Mito bekrijo.
  It is already after midnight, it is time to sleep
but the hart is still awake, with only one wish.
I am standing by the window, waiting to see you.

Why don't you come, dear, to take me home,
let me give my heart to you, let me take care of you
Mito, Mito bekrijo

You have promised Mito, that one of these nights,
when the town falls asleep, you`ll come for me.
But your white flower has withered, waiting.

Why don't you come, dear, to take me home,
let me give my heart to you, let me take care of you
Mito, Mito bekrijo

With your friends, you spend your time
With songs and wine, through all nights.
We are not young any more, yet you didn't come for me.

Why don't you come, dear, to take me home,
let me give my heart to you, let me take care of you
Mito, Mito bekrijo

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