The Little Saucepan

Sospan Vach

Melody -

My sweet Mary Ann's hurt her finger,
And David the servant's feeling weak;
And the baby's crying now in its cradle,
The cat's scratching Johnny on the cheek
Sospan fach is boiling on the fire,
Sospan fawr boils over on the floor,
The cat's scratching Johnny on the cheek.
David's a soldier,
|: David's a soldier. :|
His shirttail's hanging out.

My sweet Mary Ann's feeling better,
And David the servant's in his grave;
And the baby's sleeping now in his cradle,
The cat has decided to behave.
Sospan fach is boiling on the fire,
Sospan fawr boils over on the floor,
The cat has decided to behave.
David's a soldier,
|: David's a soldier. :|
His shirttail's hanging out.

  My beese Mary Ann wed-dee bree'oo-oh,
An Dahv-ith uh gwas thim un yach.
My-ur bah-bahn un uh creed un cree-oh,
Ahr gath wed-dee crahv-ee John-ny bach.
Sos-pan vach un bare-we ar uh tahn,
Sos-pan vow'r un bare-we a uh llauer,
Ahr gath wed-dee crahv-ee John-ny bach.
Die bach uh soul-joor,
|: Die bach uh soul-joor. :|
Ah choot-ee greese eh mahs.

My beese Mary Ann wed-dee goo-eh-lluh,
An Dahv-ith uh gwas un i vaith.
My-ur bah-bahn un uh creed wed-dee teh-wee,
Ahr gath wed-ee hee-no meh-oon haith.
Sos-pan vach un bare-we ar uh tahn,
Sos-pan vow'r un bare-we ar uh llauer,
Ahr gath we-dee hee-no me-own haith.
Die bach uh soul-joor,
|: Die bach uh soul-joor. :|
Ah choot-ee greese eh mahs.

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