Down on de Mississippi floating, Long time I trabble on de way, All night de cottonwood a-toting, Sing for my true lub all de day. Chorus: Nelly was a lady Last night she died, Toll de bell for lubly Nell, My dark Virginny bride. Now I'm unhappy and I'm weeping, Can't tote de cottonwood no more; Last night, while Nelly was a-sleeping, Death came a-knocking at de door. Chorus: |
When I saw my Nelly in de morning, Smile till she opened up her eyes, Seemed like de light ob day a-dawning, Jist 'fore de sun begin to rise. Chorus: Close by de margin ob de water, Whar de lone weeping willow grows, Dar lib'd Virginny's lubly daughter; Dar she in death may find repose. Chorus: Down in de meadow 'mong de clober, Walk wid my Nelly by my side; Now all dem happy days am ober, Farewell my dark Virginny bride. Chorus: |
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