O, come list awhile, and you soon shall hear,
By the rolling sea lived a maiden fair.
Her father followed the smuggling trade,
Like a war-like hero.
Like a war-like hero that never was afraid.
2. Now, in sailor's clothing young Jane did go,
Dressed like a sailor from top to toe;
Her aged father was the only care
Of this female smuggler.
Of this female smuggler who never did despair.
3. With her pistols loaded she went abroad,
And by her side hung a glittering sword,
In her belt two daggers; well armed for war
Was this female smuggler.
Was this female smuggler, who never feared a scar.
4. Now they had not sailed far from the land,
When a strange sail brought them to a stand.
"These are sea robbers," this maid did cry,
"But the femal smuggler,
But the female smuggler will conquer or will die"
5. Alongside, then, this strange vessel came,
"Cheer up," cried Jane, "we will board the same;
We'll run all chances to rise or fall,"
Cried this female smuggler,
Cried this female smuggler who never feared a ball.
6. Now they killed these pirates and took their store,
And soon returned to old England's shore.
With a keg of brandy she walked along,
Did this female smuggler,
Did this female smuggler, and sweetly sang a song.
7. Now they were followed by the blockade,
Who in irons strong did put this fair maid.
But when they brought her for to be tried,
This young female smuggler,
This young female smuggler stood dressed like a bride.
8. Their commodore against her appeared,
And for her life she did greatly fear.
When he did find to his great surprise
'Twas a female smuggler,
'Twas a female smuggler had fought him in disguise.
9. He to the judge and the jury said,
"I cannot prosecute this maid,
Pardon for her on my knees I crave,
For this female smuggler,
For this female smuggler so valiant and so brave."
10. Then this commodore to her father went,
To gain her hand he asked his consent.
His consent he gained, so the commodore
And the female smuggler,
And the female smuggler are one forevermore.