O, in eighteen hundred and forty one, My corduroy breeches I put on, My time was nearly done, To work upon the railway, the railway, Im weary of the railway, O, poor Paddy work on the railway.
2. O, in eighteen hundred and forty two,
3. O, in eighteen hundred and forty three,
4. O, in eighteen hundred and forty four, |
5. O, in eighteen hundred and forty five, When Dan O'Connelly was still alive, I worked in a railway hive. To work upon the railway, the railway, Im weary of the railway, O, poor Paddy work on the railway.
6. O, in eighteen hundred and forty six,
7. O, in eighteen hundred and forty seven,
8. O, in eighteen hundred and forty eight, |
9. O, in eighteen hundred and forty nine, I passed my time in the Black Ball Line. And that's the end of my monkeyshine. To work upon the railway, the railway, Im weary of the railway, O, poor Paddy work on the railway. |
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