Old Erin, the isle of the sea, My heart longs to see you again, To see your green hills and your dells. Oh! then I'll be free from all pain; That sweet little darling who loves me so well, Who's watching and waiting for me, Her heart is as sad as my own, Sweet Bessie, the rose of Tralee. |
Her face haunts me day after day, Without her, oh! what would I do? She's artless, and free from all guile, I know that she's gentle and true; My heart loves her fondly as heart e'er can love, She's a gem of rare value to me, The fairest and dearest of all, Is Bessie, the rose of Tralee. |
Refrain: Her kisses are waiting for me, And soon her sweet face I will see; Without her the world is so drear, Sweet Bessie, the rose of Tralee. |
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