Nineteen Men

Melody -

1. On the eighteenth day of August,
In the good year '74.
A blast occurred in Portlaoise town,
That was heard through every door.
And when the smoke and dust had cleared,
There rose a merry cheer,
For those within who helped to plan
The jailbreak of the year.

There's 19 men a-missing,
And they didn't use the door.
Just blew a little hole,
Where there wasn't one before.
Now the army and the gardai
Are searching high and low.
For the men from Portlaoise prison,
Who have vanished like the snow.
  2. The word to Dublin quickly spread
And on the news 'twas said
That special branch detectives
Would soon capture those who fled.
And then appeared upon this land
Checkpoints with soldiers armed
Who vowed to capture those
Who caused the Minister such alarm.

3. To Ireland's rebel country
These brave men made quick escape
To a quiet town called Gorey
The boys sat down and dined in state.
And now I hear there's plans afoot
With mortar brick and stone
To build a brand new prison
And to call it Provo home.
Refrain: x2

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