Hilo, Johnny Brown

Melody -

Sally, she'm the gal that I love dearly
'Way, sing Sally!
Sally, she'm the gal that I love dearly
Hilo, Johnny Brown, stand to yer ground!

Sally she'm the gal that I spliced nearly,
'Way, sing Sally!
Her lips is red an' her hair is curly,
Hilo, Johnny Brown, stand to yer ground!

Sally she'm a Badian beauty,
'Way, sing Sally!
Sally-gal she'm know her duty.
Hilo, Johnny Brown, stand to yer ground!

Sally she'm a bright mulatter,
'Way, sing Sally!
She drinks rum an'chaws terbacker
Hilo, Johnny Brown, stand to yer ground!

Seven long years Ah courted Sally,
'Way, sing Sally!
But Ah doan care ter dilly-dally.
Hilo, Johnny Brown, stand to yer ground!

Never mind the weather, boys, keep yer legs tergether,
'Way, sing Sally!
Haul away, me bully boys, an' bust the chafin'leather
Hilo, Johnny Brown, stand to yer ground!

The mate he goes aroun', boys, dinging an' a-dangin',
'Way, sing Sally!
Fair land o' Canaan soon be a-showin'.
Hilo, Johnny Brown, stand to yer ground!

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