
Melody - Stephen C. Foster

Says young Obediah, to old Obediah,
"Obediah, Obediah!"
Says young Obediah, to old Obediah,
"Obediah, Obediah!"

Says young Obediah, to old Obediah,
Says young Obediah, to old Obediah,
"Obediah, Obediah, Obediah!"

2. Says old Obediah, to young Obediah,
"Obediah, Obediah!"
Says old Obediah, to young Obediah,
"Obediah, Obediah!"

3. Says Mrs. Obediah, to old Obediah,
"Obediah, Obediah!"
Says Mrs. Obediah, to old Obediah,
"Obediah, Obediah!"

4. Says old Obediah, to young Obediah,
"Obediah, Obediah!"
Says old Obediah, to young Obediah,
"Obediah, Obediah!"

5. Says Miss Obediah, to old Obediah,
"Obediah, Obediah!"
Says Miss Obediah, to old Obediah,
"Obediah, Obediah!"

6. Says old Obediah, to young Obediah,
"Obediah, Obediah!"
Says old Obediah, to young Obediah,
"Obediah, Obediah!"

7. Says all the Obediahs, to old Obediah,
"Obediah, Obediah!"
. Says all the Obediahs, to old Obediah,
"Obediah, Obediah!"

Says all the Obediahs, to old Obediah,
Says all the Obediahs, to old Obediah,
"Obediah, Obediah, Obediah!"

The idea which runs through this song and should be brought out by acting, is that young Obediah wants money, and is supported in his demands by the other Obediahs but old Obediah holds the purse strings, until they all go at him, when at last he surrenders in disgust, and throws a purse at them.

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