So lokka me over den Myra te role Haug, te role Haug, kom alle de underle Dyra, kom Ku, kom Kælv, kom Kjyra, kom Raute, kom Skaute, kom lækkete Kæri, kom Kappelans Marit, kom Ronkebu Kjersti, kom Kølums Berte kom Hullabrand |
I called the cattle home over the moors to the quiet mould, to the quiet mould come all you strange animals come cow, come calf, come cows come Raute, com Skaute* come Kæri, come Kappelan's Marit come Ronkebu Kjersti, come Kølums Berte come Hullabrand. |
*The nicknames of all the cute cattle. |
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