Some love to stroll Where the wassail-bowl And the wine-cups circle free; None of all that band E'er shall win my hand: No, a sober spouse for me. Where the wine-cups circle free: None of all that band E'er shall win my hand: No, a sober spouse for me. Like cheerful streams When the morning beams With him my life should flow. Not down the crags The drunkard drags His wife for shame and woe. Not down the crags The drunkard drags His wife for shame and woe. No! no! no! no! No! no! no! no! No! no! no! |
Some love to stroll Where the wassail-bowl And the wine-cups circle free; None of all that band E'er shall win my hand: |: No! a sober spouse for me. :| No! a sober spouse for me. The drunkard mark, At midnight dark, Oh what a sight good bark! From fumes of beer And wine appear Grim friends who cross his track; His children's name He dooms to shame His wife to want and wo; She is betrayed For wine is made Her rival and her foe. No! no! no! no! No! no! no! no! No! no! no! |
Still some will stroll, Where the wassail-bowl And the wine-cups circle free; None of all that band E'er shall win my hand: |: No! a sober spouse for me. :| No! a sober spouse for me. |
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