Asleep in the Deep

Melody - Melody - Henry W. Petrie, 1897

Arthur J. Lamb

Stormy the night and the waves roll high,
Bravely the ship doth ride,
Hark! while the lighthouse bell's solemn cry
Rings o'er the sullen tide.
There on the deck see two lovers stand,
Heart to heart beating, and hand to hand;
Tho' death be near, she knows no fear
While at her side is one of all most dear.
  What of the storm when the night is o'er?
There is no trace or sign.
Save where the wreckage hath strewn the shore,
Peaceful the sun doth shine.
But when the wild, raging storm did cease,
Under the billows two hearts found peace,
No more to part, no more of pain,
The bell may now tell its warning in vain.

Loudly the bell in the old tower rings,
Bidding us list to the warning it brings:
Sailor, take care! Sailor, take care!
Danger is near thee, beware! Beware!
Beware! Beware!
|: Many brave hearts are asleep in the deep,
   So beware! beware! :|

The words for 'Asleep in the Deep' were written by Arthur J. Lamb, the nineteenth-century lyricist of such music-hall favourites as 'Only a Bird in a Gilded Cage' and 'The Bird on Nellie's Hat'. Although an Englishman, he spent much of his life in America as a successful Tin Pan Alley writer. The composer, Henry Petrie, is probably best known for his children's song - 'I don't want to play in your yard'. This song, however, shows just how deep the roots of music hall were in both men's musical experience.

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