The boar's head in hand bear I Bedecked with bays and rosemary I pray you, my masters, be merry Quot estis in convivio.1) Caput apri defero,2) Reddens laudes Domino 3) The boar's head, as I understand, Is the rarest dish in all the land, Which thus bedecked with a gay garland Servitur cum sinapio. 4) Caput apri defero,2) Reddens laudes Domino 3) |
Our steward hath provided this In honour of the King of bliss Which on this day to be served is In Reginensi Atrio:5) Caput apri defero,2) Reddens laudes Domino 3) The boar's head, I dare well say, Anon after the eleventh day, He takes his leave and goes away, Exivit tum de patria.6) Caput apri defero,2) Reddens laudes Domino 3) |
1) Howsoever many are at the feast 2) I bring the boar's head, 3) Rendering praises to the Lord 4) It is served with mustard. 5) In the Queen's hall 6) He has then left the fatherland. |
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