1. The night was dark and the fight had ended The moon shone down O'Connell Street. I stood alone where brave men perished, They've gone, they've gone their god to meet. Refrain: 2. Well first I met a crying mother Kneeling by her young son's side She said they knew my son's kind-hearted They knew my son would never yield. Refrain: |
3. Then next I met a grey haired father, Searching for his only son. I said, "my man, there's no use searchin', For straight to heaven your son has gone." Refrain: 4. Then last I met the dying rebel Kneeling low I heard him say: God bless my home in dear Cork city, God bless the cause for which I die. Refrain: |
Refrain: My only son was shot in Dublin, Fighting for his country bold. He fought for Ireland and Ireland's only, The harp and shamrock, green, white, and gold! |
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