There was a little man And he wooed a little maid, And he said, "Little maid, Will you wed, wed, wed ? I have little more to say, Than will you, yea or nay, For least said is soonest Mended-ded-ded." The 1ittle maid replied, "Little sir, you've little said, To induce a little maid For to wed, wed, wed. You must say a little more And produce a little ore E'er I make a little print In your bed, bed, bed." Then the little man replied, "If you'll be my little bride I'll raise my love notes a Little higher, higher, higher. Though my offers are not meet, Yet my little heart is great With the little god of love All on fire, fire, fire." The little maid replied (Some say, a little sighed), "But what shall we have To eat, eat, eat? Will the love that you're so rich in Make a fire in the kitchen? Or the little God of Love Turn the spit, spit, spit?" The little man replied (Some say, a little cried, For his little heart was Big with sorrow-row-row), "With the little that I have I will be your little slave, And the rest, my deary dear, We will borrow-row-row." Thus did the little gent Make the little maid relent, For her little heart began To beat, beat, beat. Though his offers were but small She took them one and all: Now she thanks her lucky stars For her fate, fate, fate. |
There was a little man, And he had a little gun, And his bullets were made Of lead, lead, lead; He went to the brook, And saw a little duck, And shot it through The head, head, head. He carried it home To his old wife Joan, And bade her a fire To make, make, make; To roast the little duck, While he went to the brook, To shoot and kill The drake, drake, drake. The little drake was swimming, With his little curly tail, And the little man made it His mark, mark, mark: He let off his gun, But he fired too soon, And away flew the drake With a quack, quack, quack. |
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