The Sea Is England's Glory

Melody - Stephen Glover

J. W. Lake

The sea is England's glory!
The bounding waves her throne;
For ages bright in story,
The ocean is her own.
In war the first, the fearless
Her standard leads the brave,
In peace she reigns so peerless,
The Empress of the wave!
  2. The sea is England's splendour!
Her wealth the mighty main;
She is the world's defender;
The humble to sustain;
Her gallant sons in story
Stand bravest of the brave,
Oh! England's strength and glory
Are on her ocean wave!

Thou loveliest land of beauty!
Where dwells domestic worth,
Where loyalty and duty
Entwine each heart and hearth!
Thy rock is freedom's pillow
The rampart of the brave,
Oh! long as rolls the billow,
Shall England rule the wave!

Stephen Ralph Glover was one of the most prolific composers of ballads in the nineteenth century and produced almost 1,500 compositions including a chamber opera. One of his most successful songs was the duet 'What are the Wild Waves Saying?' inspired by Dickens' Dombev and Son. His brother Charles W. Glover earned immortality with his setting of The Rose of Tralee. 'The Sea is EngIand's Glory' is in Glover's best patriotic vein. His setting of Lake's bombastic verses matches the sentiments exactly even down to the fanfares. Somehow, though, he manages to inject a melodic charm which lesser composers dispense with in the face of similar poetry.

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