Turn Ye To Me

Melody - an old Highland melody

John Wilson, 1800-1849

The stars are shining cheerily, cheerily,
Ho-ro, Mhairi dhu, turn ye to me;
The seamew is moaning drearily, drearily,
Ho-ro, Mhairi dhu, turn ye to me.

Cold is the storm-wind that ruffles his breast,
But warm are the downy plumes lining his nest.
Cold blows the storm there, soft falls the snow there,
Ho-ro Mhairi dhu, turn ye to me.

The waves are dancing merrily, merrily,
Ho-ro Mhairi dhu, turn ye to me;
The sea-birds are wailing, wearily, wearily,
Ho-ro Mhairi dhu, turn ye to me.

Hushed be thy moaning, lone bird of the sea,
Thy home on the rocks is a shelter to thee,
Thy home is the angry wave, mine but the lonely grave;
Ho-ro Mhairi dhu, turn ye to me.

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