1. They said they were going to have tea with the vicar So they went in together cause they thought it was quicker But the lavatory door was a bit of a sticker And nobody knew they were there. Refrain: Oh dear what can the matter be Seven old ladies got stuck in the lavatory They were there from Sunday til Saturday Nobody knew they were there. 2. Now the first was the wife of a deacon from dover And though she was known as a bit of a rover She liked it so much that she thought she'd stay over And nobody knew she was there. Refrain: 3. Now the next was the bishop of Chichester's daughter Who went in to pass some superfluous water She pulled on the chain & the rising tide caught her And nobody knew she was there. Refrain: |
4. Now the next old gal was Abigail Humphrey Who settled inside just to make herself comfy Then she found out that she could not get her bum free And nobody knew she was there. Refrain: 5. Now another old lady was Elizabeth Bender Who was doing all right till a vagrant suspender Somehow got caught in a feminine gender And nobody knew she was there. Refrain: 6. The next old lady was old Mrs. Draper She went in to find there was no paper The only thing there was a brick layers scraper And nobody knew she was there. Refrain: 7. The last old lady was old Mrs. Mason She had to go quick so she went in the basin And that was the water that I washed my face in Cause I didn't know she was there. Refrain: |
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