1. They say that the Lakes of Killarney are fair That no stream like the Liffey can ever compare If it's water you want you'll find nothing more rare Than the stuff they make down by the ocean. 2. The sea, oh, the sea is the gradhl geal mo croide Long may it roll between England and me It's a sure guarantee that some hour we'll be free Oh, thank God we're surrounded by water. 3. Tom Moore made his "Waters" meet fame and renown A great lover of anything dressed in a crown In brandy the bandy old Saxon he'd drown But throw ne'er a one in the ocean. |
4. The Scots have their Whisky, the Welsh have their leeks And their poets are paid about tenpence a week Provided no hard words on England they speak Oh Lord, what a price for devotion. 5. The Danes came to Ireland with nothing to do But dream of the plunder old Irish they slew "Yeh will in yer vikings" said Brian Boru And threw them back into the ocean. 6. Two foreign old monarchs in battle did join Each wanting their heads on the back of a coin If the Irish had sense they'd drowned both in the Boyne And partition thrown into the ocean. |
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