'Twas down the glen one Easter morn
To a city fair rode I.
When Ireland's line of marching men
In squadrons passed me by.
No pipe did hum, no battle drum
Did sound its dread tattoo
But the Angelus bell o'er the Liffey's swell
Rang out in the foggy dew.
Right proudly high over Dublin town
They flung out a flag of war.
'Twas better to die 'neath an Irish sky
Than at Suvla or Sud el Bar.
And from the plains of Royal Meath
Strong men came hurrying through;
While Britannia's sons with their long-range guns
Sailed in through the foggy dew.
Oh, the night fell black and the rifles crack
Made "Perfidious Albion" reel
'Mid the leaden rail, seven tongues of flame
Did shine o'er the lines of steel
By each shining blade, a prayer was said
That to Ireland her sons be true
And when morning broke still the war flag shook
Out its fold in the Foggy Dew.
'Twas England bade our Wild Geese go
That small nations might be free
But their lonely graves are by Suvla's waves
or the fringe of the grey North Sea
Oh had they died by Pearse's side,
or had fought with Cathal Brugha
Their graves we'd keep where the Fenians sleep,
'neath the shroud of the Foggy Dew.
But the bravest fell, and the requiem bell
Rang mournfully and clear
For those who died that Eastertide
In the springing of the year
And the world did gaze, with deep amaze,
At those fearless men and true
Who bore the fight that freedom's light
Might shine through the Foggy Dew.
Ah, back through the glen I rode again,
And my heart with grief was sore
For I parted then with valiant men
Whom I never shall see more
But to and fro in my dreams I go
And I'd kneel and pray for you
For slavery fled, O glorious dead,
When you fell in the Foggy Dew.
Over the hills I went one day, a lovely maid I spied
With her coal black hair and her mantle so green.
An image to perceive.
Says I, "Dear girl, will you be my bride
And she lifted her eyes of blue
She smiled and said, "Young man I'm to wed
I'm to meet in the foggy dew."
Over the hills I went one morn, a-singing I did go.
Met this lovely maid with her coal-black hair,
And she answered soft and low:
Said she, "Young man, I'll be your bride,
If I know that you'll be true."
Oh, in my arms, all of her charms
Were casted in the foggy dew.
Oh, a wan cloud was drawn o'er the dim weeping dawn
As to Shannon's side I return'd at last,
And the heart in my breast for the girl I lov'd best
Was beating, ah, beating, how loud and fast!
While the doubts and the fears of the long aching years
Seem'd mingling their voices with the moaning flood:
Till full in my path, like a wild water wraith,
My true love's shadow lamenting stood.
But the sudden sun kissed the cold, cruel mist
Into dancing show'rs of diamond dew,
And the dark flowing stream laugh'd back to his beam,
And the lark soared aloft in the blue;
While no phantom of night but a form of delight
Ran with arms outspread to her darling boy,
And the girl I love best on my wild throbbing breast
Hid her thousand treasures with cry of joy.
When I was a bachelor, I lived all alone
I followed the roving trade
And the only thing that I ever did wrong
Was I courted a fair young maid.
I courted her for a summer season
And part of the winter too
And many's the night she rolled in my arms
All over the foggy dew
One night as I lay on my bed
As I lay fast asleep
She came to me at my bedside
And bitterly she did weep
She wept, she moaned, she tore her hair
She cried what shall I do
For tonight I'm determined to sleep with you
For fear of the foggy dew
All through the first part of that night
How we did sport and play
And through the second part of that night
She in my arms did lay
And when the daylight did appear
She cried I am undone
Oh hold your tongue you silly young thing
For the foggy dew is gone
Supposing you should have a child
Would make you laugh and smile
And supposing you should have another
Would make you think a while
And supposing you should have another
And another one or two
T'would make you leave off those foolish young tricks
That you played in the foggy dew
I loved that girl with all my heart
I loved her like my life
But in the second part of that year
She became another man's wife
I never told him of her faults
And I never intend to do
Nor of the times she rolled in my arms
All over the foggy dew
Again I am a bachelor, I live with my son
We work at the weaver's trade.
And every sing time I look into his eyes
He reminds me of that fair young maid.
He reminds me of the wintertime
Part of the summer, too,
And the many, many times that I held her in my arms
Just to keep her from the foggy, foggy, dew.
When I was in my prenticeship
And learning of my trade,
I courted my master's daughter,
Which made my heart right glad.
I courted her both summers days
And winter nights also
But I never could her favor win
Till I hired the Bogle Bo.
Day being gone, and night coming on,
My neighbour he took a sheet
And straight into her room he went
Just like a wandering spirit.
She went running up and down,
Not knowing where to go
But right into my bed she went
For fear of the Bogle Bo.
And so my true love and me,
Did both fall fast asleep,
But ere the morn at fair daylight,
Sore, sore did she weep
Sore, sore did she weep;
Sore, sore did she mourn
But ere she rose and put on her clothes,
The Bogle bo was gone.
You've done the thing to me last night,
The thing you cannot shun
You've taen from me my maidenhead,
And I am quite undone.
You've taen from me my maidenhead,
And brought my body low
But, kind sir, if you'll marry me,
I will be your jo.
Now he's married her and taen her hame,
And it was but his part
She's proved to him a loving wife,
And joy of all his heart;
He never told her of the joke,
Nor ne'er intends to do
But aye when his wife smiles on him,
He minds the Bogle bo.