MJJ Sales Browse through our market umbrellas, choose a size and color, and Save Money!   We also offer Sunbrella canvas and custom logos.  Replacement umbrella canvas is available in standard sizes with polyester and Sunbrella brand fabric. We also offer Umbrella base stands and our new ornamental wood bridge.
Umbrella Man

Melody - A Flanagan & Allen song

Any umbrellas,
Any umbrellas,
To mend today?

Bring your parasol;
It may be small, it may be big.
He'll repair them all
With what you call
A thingummajig.
Here comes the rain.
Let it pitter-patter,
Let it pitter-patter,
Don't mind the rain.

He'll patch up your troubles
And go on his way, singing
Toodleoomalooma, toodleay,
Toodleoomalooma, toodleay,
Any umbrellas to mend today?
  When there's a lull
And things are dull
He'll sharpen knives
For all the wives
In the neighbourhood
And he's very good.

He'll darn a sock,
He'll mend a clock,
An apple cart,
A broken heart,
He'll mend anything

But he'd rather sing
Any umbrellas,
Any umbrellas
To mend today?

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