Un Canadien errant

Melody -

"Folksongs of Quebec", English version by E. F. Fowke

|: Un Canadien errant,
   Banni de ses foyers, :|
|: Parcourait en pleurant
   Des pays étrangers. :|

|: Un jour, triste et pensif,
   Assis au bord des flots, :|
|: Au courant fugitif
   Il adressa ces mots: :|

|: "Si tu vois mon pays,
   Mon pays malheureux, :|
|: Va, dis à mes amis
   Que je me souviens d'eux. :|

|: "O jours si pleins d'appas
   Vous êtes disparus, :|
|: Et ma patrie, hélas!
   Je ne la verrai plus! :|

|: "Non, mais en expirant,
   O mon cher Canada! :|
|: Mon regard languissant
   Vers toi se portera . . ." :|

Once a Canadian lad,
Exiled from hearth and home,
Wandered, alone and sad,
Through alien lands unknown.
Down by a rushing stream,
Thoughful and sad one day,
He watched the water pass
And to it he did say:

"If you should reach my land,
My most unhappy land,
Please speak to all my friends
So they will understand.
Tell them how much I wish
That I could be once more
In my beloved land
That I will see no more.

"My own beloved land
I'll not forget till death,
And I will speak of her
With my last dying breath.
My own beloved land
I'll not forget till death,
And I will speak of her
With my last dying breath."

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