Versos de Montalgo

Melody -

Introducción: Tr. Frank
1. En el mil nueve cientos y diez
Y los cuento sin edal
A Montalgo le mataron
Cerca del camino real.

1. 'round the year 1910 it be
This tale took place and I tell
Montalgo, the sheriff's deputy,
Not far from the highway he fell.

2. A Montalgo le mataron
Le mataron sin razón,
A los diez años cumplidos
Que le mató a Encarnación.

2. They murdered Montalgo, I say,
For no good reason. Had not
Ten years passed since that fateful day,
Encarnación he had shot.

3. Luenes en la mañana
Salió del Almazan.
Montalgo no sabía
Que le tenían su plan.

3. Early on a Monday morning
He left the ranch Almazan
For Lyford. There was no warning
He'd see no setting of the sun.

4. A las tres salió de Lyford
En su caballo bayito,
En el Puerto del Granjeno
Ahí le formaron sitio.

4. Mid afternoon it was only
When through the Granjeno gate
He left Lyford on his bay pony
To where they were lying in wait.

5. Cuando Montalgo cayó,
El malhecho la decía:
"No te asustas, Montalgo;
Págaste lo que debías."

5. Montalgo, he fell to the ground
And as on the earth he lay,
"The debt has been paid all around",
He did hear the murderer say.

6. Y perdido estuvo un mes,
Eso dicen por cierto,
Que en el Puerto del Granjeno
Ahí le hallaron muerto.

6. For a month his body was lost
This much I do know is true,
Near the Granjeno gate, at last,
It was then found, I can tell you.

7. Al mes hallaron los restos
Envueltos en un costal;
Arriba tenían hierbas,
Y más arriba nopal.

7. In a sack his body was found,
Completely covered with weed,
With branches of cactus around
To cover the dastardly deed.

8. Cuando se juntó la gente,
Estuvieron medio día:
Le mayor parte decía
"¡Válgame Dios! ¿como sería?"

8. For half a day people stood there
'round gruesome discovery
To ask "Good God, what took place here?"
And just with their own eyes to see.

9. Las Hermanas de Montalgo
Lloraron sin compasión
"¡Oh, Montalgo, te mataron
A traición!"

9. The sisters of Montalgo wept
It could rend a heart of stone.
"Montalgo! Treachery has kept
You from us. We are now alone."

10. Esta gente de Manoa
Ayudaron de corazón;
Y a las seis u ocho días
Le mandaron comisión.

10. Head of the Manoa family
Out of goodness in his heart
Was deputized as sheriff, he
The investigation to start.

11. Al pobre Sandoval
Le pegaron sin tuerca;
Le subieron a express
Con dos venaditas muertas.

11. The goat herd, poor old Sandoval,
Was staring with the others here,
When dep'ty Hinojosa tall,
Handcuffed him just for poaching deer.

12. En el camino arreglaron
Con el señor Hinojosa
Con veinticinco moneas
Que le dieron.

12. While on the highway, fast to jail,
This small matter was resolved.
Twenty five dollars, private bail,
And old Sandoval was absolved.

13. El que compuso esos versos
No sabía lo que decía;
Anda va cuidando cabras
Que no se corta la guía.

13. Tho' writing these verses you heard
The author knows not what he said,
He should look after his goat herd,
Lest a rustler takes it instead.

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