Melody -
Introducción: | Tr. Frank |
1. En el mil nueve cientos y diez Y los cuento sin edal A Montalgo le mataron Cerca del camino real. |
1. 'round the year 1910 it be This tale took place and I tell Montalgo, the sheriff's deputy, Not far from the highway he fell. |
2. A Montalgo le mataron Le mataron sin razón, A los diez años cumplidos Que le mató a Encarnación. |
2. They murdered Montalgo, I say, For no good reason. Had not Ten years passed since that fateful day, Encarnación he had shot. |
3. Luenes en la mañana Salió del Almazan. Montalgo no sabía Que le tenían su plan. |
3. Early on a Monday morning He left the ranch Almazan For Lyford. There was no warning He'd see no setting of the sun. |
4. A las tres salió de Lyford En su caballo bayito, En el Puerto del Granjeno Ahí le formaron sitio. |
4. Mid afternoon it was only When through the Granjeno gate He left Lyford on his bay pony To where they were lying in wait. |
5. Cuando Montalgo cayó, El malhecho la decía: "No te asustas, Montalgo; Págaste lo que debías." |
5. Montalgo, he fell to the ground And as on the earth he lay, "The debt has been paid all around", He did hear the murderer say. |
6. Y perdido estuvo un mes, Eso dicen por cierto, Que en el Puerto del Granjeno Ahí le hallaron muerto. |
6. For a month his body was lost This much I do know is true, Near the Granjeno gate, at last, It was then found, I can tell you. |
7. Al mes hallaron los restos Envueltos en un costal; Arriba tenían hierbas, Y más arriba nopal. |
7. In a sack his body was found, Completely covered with weed, With branches of cactus around To cover the dastardly deed. |
8. Cuando se juntó la gente, Estuvieron medio día: Le mayor parte decía "¡Válgame Dios! ¿como sería?" |
8. For half a day people stood there 'round gruesome discovery To ask "Good God, what took place here?" And just with their own eyes to see. |
9. Las Hermanas de Montalgo Lloraron sin compasión "¡Oh, Montalgo, te mataron A traición!" |
9. The sisters of Montalgo wept It could rend a heart of stone. "Montalgo! Treachery has kept You from us. We are now alone." |
10. Esta gente de Manoa Ayudaron de corazón; Y a las seis u ocho días Le mandaron comisión. |
10. Head of the Manoa family Out of goodness in his heart Was deputized as sheriff, he The investigation to start. |
11. Al pobre Sandoval Le pegaron sin tuerca; Le subieron a express Con dos venaditas muertas. |
11. The goat herd, poor old Sandoval, Was staring with the others here, When dep'ty Hinojosa tall, Handcuffed him just for poaching deer. |
12. En el camino arreglaron Con el señor Hinojosa Con veinticinco moneas Que le dieron. |
12. While on the highway, fast to jail, This small matter was resolved. Twenty five dollars, private bail, And old Sandoval was absolved. |
13. El que compuso esos versos No sabía lo que decía; Anda va cuidando cabras Que no se corta la guía. |
13. Tho' writing these verses you heard The author knows not what he said, He should look after his goat herd, Lest a rustler takes it instead. |