1. We crave your condescension, We'll tell you what we know Marching in the Mulligan Guards In the Seventh Ward below; Our Captain's name was Hussey, A Tipperary man He carried his sword like a "Rooshian Duke" When e'er he took command. Refrain: We shouldered arms and marched And marched away From Jackson Street We marched to Avenue A. With fifes and drums, How sweetly they did play; As we marched, marched, marched In the Mulligan Guards. |
2. When the band played Garry Owen Or the Connemara Pet, We'd march in the mud with a rub-a-dub-dub In the military step With Green above the Red, boys, To show where we'd came from Our guns we'd lift with a right shoulder shift As we march to the beat of the drum. Refrain: 3. When we got home at night, boys, The divil a bite we'd ate, We'd all sit up and drink a sup Of whisky strong and nate Then we'd all march home together As slippery as lard, The solid men would all fall in And march with the Mulligan Guard. Refrain: |
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