Robin Adair

Melody - Melody - "Aileen Aroon" Irish

Lady Caroline Keppel, ~1755 (1735-     )

What's this dull town to me?
Robin's not near;
What was't I wish'd to see?
What wish'd to hear?
Where all the joy and mirth,
Made this town heav'n on earth,
Oh! they've all fled wi' thee,
Robin Adair.

What made th' assembly shine?
Robin Adair.
What made the ball so fine?
Robin was there.
And when the play was o'er,
What made my heart so sore?
Oh! it was parting with,
Robin Adair.

But now thou'rt cold to me,
Robin Adair.
And I no more shall see,
Robin Adair.
Yet he I lov'd so well,
Still in my heart shall dwell,
Oh! I can ne'er forget,
Robin Adair.

Welcome on shore again,
Robin Adair!
Welcome once more again,
Robin Adair!
I feel thy trembling hand;
Tears in thy eyelids stand,
To greet thy native land,
Robin Adair!

Long I ne'er saw thee, love,
Robin Adair;
Still I prayed for thee, love,
Robin Adair;
When thou wert far at sea,
Many made love to me,
But still I thought on thee,
Robin Adair!

Come to my heart again,
Robin Adair;
Never to part again,
Robin Adair;
And if thou still art true,
I will be constant too,
And will wed none but you,
Robin Adair!
  Treu und herzinniglich,
Robin Adair!
Tausendmal grüß ich dich,
Robin Adair!
Hab ich doch manche Nacht
Schlummerlos zugebracht,
Immer an dich gedacht,
Robin Adair!

Dort an dem Klippenhang,
Robin Adair,
Rief ich oft, still und bang,
Robin Adair!
Fort von dem wilden Meer,
Falsch ist es, liebeleer,
Macht mir das Herze schwer,
Robin Adair!

Mancher wohl warb um mich,
Robin Adair,
Treu aber liebt ich dich,
Robin Adair!
Mögen sie andre frein,
Will ja nur dir allein
Leben und Liebe weihn,
Robin Adair!

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