1. When dullness shall chain The wild harp that would praise thee, When its last sigh of freedom Is heard on thy shore, When its raptures shall bless The false hearth that betrays thee Oh, then, dearest Erin, I'll love thee no more! 2. When thy sons are less tame Than their own ocean waters, When their last flash of wit And genious is o'er, When virtue and beauty Forsake thy young daughters Oh, then, dearest Erin, I'll love thee no more! |
3. When the sun that now holds His bright path o'er the mountains Forgets the green fields That he smiled on before, When no moonlight shall sleep On thy lakes and thy fountains Oh, then, dearest Erin, I'll love thee no more! 4. When the name of the Saxon And tyrant shall sever, When the freedom you lost You no longer deplore, When the thoughts of your wrongs Shall be sleeping forever Oh, then, dearest Erin, I'll love thee no more! |
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