Ye coopers and hoopers, attend to my ditty, I sing o' a cooper wha dwelt in Dundee; This young man he was baith am'rous and witty, He pleased the fair maids wi' the blink o' his e'e. He was nae a cooper, a common tub-hooper, The most o' his trade lay in pleasin' the fair; He hoopt them, he coopt them, he bort them, he plugt them, An' a' sent for Sandy when out o' repair. For a twelvemonth or sae this youth was respected, An' he was as busy, as weel he could be; But bus'ness increased so that some were neglected, Which ruined trade in the town o' Dundee. A baillie's fair daughter had wanted a coopin', And Sandy was sent for, as oft time was he; He yerkt her sae hard that she sprung an endhoopin', Which banish'd poor Sandy frae bonnie Dundee. |
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