Ye Parliament of England, You Lords and commons, too, Consider well what you're about And what you're going to do. You're now to fight with Yankees, I'm sure you'll rue the day, You roused the Sons of Liberty In North America.
2. You first confined our commerce,
3. You thought our frigates were but few, |
4. Then next, upon Lake Erie, Where Perry had some fun, Your own he beat your naval force, And caused them for to run; This was to you a sore defeat, The like ne'er known before, Your British Squadron beat complete Some took, some run ashore.
5. There's Rogers, in the President,
6. Lament, ye sons of Britain, |
7. Use every endeavor, And strive to make a peace, For Yankee ships are building fast, Their Navy to increase; They will enforce their commerce, The laws by Heaven were made, That Yankee ships in time of peace, To any port may trade. |