1. Abide with us, the day is waning, Thus prayed the two while on the way; We read that Thou, O Lord, remaining, Didst all their doubts and fears allay. Incline Thine ear, Thou King of Grace, When, praying thus, we see Thy face.
2. At eventide, Thy Spirit sending, |
3. Abide with us; with heavenly gladness Illumine, Lord, our darkest day; And when we weep in pain and sadness, Be Thou our Solace, Strength, and Stay. Tell of Thy woe, Thy victory won, When Thou didst pray: Thy will be done.
4. Abide with us, O Savior tender, |
5. When earthly help no more availeth, To sup with us Thou wilt be nigh; Thou givest strength that never faileth. In Thee we grave and death defy. While earth is fading from our sight, Our eyes behold the realms of light. |
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