1. Broad as the universe his love is broad, And wide, worldwide the mercy he has wrought: From every race the trophies of his grace To kiss the Son have run to his embrace. 2. Long as the universe his love is long; He brought the stars to birth to angel-song, And when at last the stars grow dim and die Redeeming love will be the angels' cry. |
3. High as the mountain peaks his love is high, We raise our eyes still higher to the sky And meet our gaze his Everests of grace And peaks of love too high for eye to trace. 4. Deep as the deepest thought his love is deep, And deeper still than all philosophy: The finest minds of time shall sing in praise And tell the depth of his redeeming ways. |
5. If we should take the wings of early dawn, If we should trace the windings of the sea, Could we escape the universe of grace Of God in Jesus? That could never be! |
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