Father of Mercies, in Thy Word

Melody -

Anne Steele

Father of mercies, in Thy Word
What endless glory shines!
Forever be Thy name adored
For these celestial lines.

2. Here may the blind and hungry come
And light and food receive;
Here shall the lowliest guest have room
And taste and see and live.

3. Here springs of consolation rise
To cheer the fainting mind,
And thirsting souls receive supplies
And sweet refreshment find.

4. Here the Redeemer's welcome voice
Spreads heavenly peace around,
And life and everlasting joys
Attend the blissful sound.

5. Oh, may these heavenly pages be
My ever dear delight;
And still new beauties may I see
And still increasing light!

6. Divine Instructor, gracious Lord,
Be Thou forever near;
Teach me to love Thy sacred Word
And view my Savior here.

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