For Thy Mercy and Thy Grace

Melody -

Henry Downton

For Thy mercy and Thy grace,
Faithful through another year,
Hear our song of thankfulness;
Savior and Redeemer, hear!

2. Lo, our sins on Thee we cast,
Thee, our perfect Sacrifice,
And, forgetting all the past,
Press unto our glorious prize.

3. Dark the future; let Thy light
Guide us, bright and Morning Star.
Fierce our foes and hard the fight;
Arm us, Savior, for the war.

4. In our weakness and distress,
Rock of strength, be Thou our Stay;
In the pathless wilderness
Be our true and living Way.

5. Who of us death's awful road
In the coming year shall tread,
With Thy rod and staff, O God,
Comfort Thou his dying bed.

6. Keep us faithful, keep us pure,
Keep us evermore Thine own.
Help, oh, help us to endure;
Fit us for the promised crown.

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