From Eternity, O God

Melody -

Caspar Neumann

From eternity, O God,
In Thy Son Thou didst elect me;
Therefore, Father, on life's road
Graciously to heaven direct me;
Send to me Thy Holy Spirit
That His gifts I may inherit.

2. Though alive, I'm dead in sin,
Lost to all good things by nature.
Holy Ghost, change me within,
Make of me a new-born creature;
For the flesh works ruination
And can never gain salvation.

3. Drive away the gloomy night
Of my heart's perverse reflection;
Quench all thoughts that are not right,
Hold my reason in subjection;
Grant that I from Thee, with yearning,
Wisdom always may be learning.

4. Oh, create a heart in me
That in Thee, my God, believeth
And o'er the iniquity
Of my sins most truly grieveth.
When dark hours of woe betide me,
In the wounds of Jesus hide me.

5. As a branch upon a vine
In my blessed Lord implant me;
Ever of my Head divine
To remain a member grant me.
Oh, let Him, my Lord and Savior,
Be my Life and Love forever!

6. Faith and hope and charity
Graciously, O Father, give me;
Be my Guardian constantly
That the devil may not grieve me;
Grant me humbleness and gladness,
Peace and patience in my sadness.

7. Help me speak what's right and good
And keep silence on occasion;
Help me pray, Lord, as I should,
Help me bear my tribulation;
Help me die and let my spirit
Everlasting life inherit.

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