I'm gonna take a trip In the good old gospel ship, Christ the Lord has paid my fare; I'll hear the trumpet sound And I'll leave this sinful ground, I'll go sailing through the air. Refrain: O, I'm gonna take a trip On the good old gospel ship, I'll go sailing home on high; O, I'm gonna shout and sing, Hear the heav'nly music ring, When I bid this world good-by. I know I won't be late For I labor, watch and wait, Lift my voice to God in pray'r; He'll hear my feeble plea And will bid me come and see, I'll go sailing through the air. Refrain: I'll tell and sing the news, Bidding men no more refuse To be made with Christ an heir, I know He's coming soon, It may be at night or noon, I'll go sailing through the air. Refrain: My loved ones gone before Now await me on that shore, Soon I'll join them over there; For when my ship comes in Then my voyage will begin, I'll go sailing through the air. Refrain: |
I have good new to bring And that is why I sing, All my joys with you I will share. I'm gonna take a trip On that old gospel ship And go sailing through the air. Refrain: I'm gonna take a trip On that old gospel ship; I'm going far beyond the sky. I'm gonna shout and sing, Until the bells do ring, When I'm sailing through the sky. If you are ashamed of me, You ought not to be And you better have a care, If too much fault you find, You'll sure be left behind, When I'm sailing through the air. Refrain: I can hardly wait, I know I won't be late. I'll spend all my time in prayer And when my ship comes in, I'll leave this world of sin And go sailing through the air. Refrain: |
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