Lo, God to heaven ascendeth! Throughout its regions vast With shouts triumphant blendeth The trumpet's thrilling blast: Sing praise to Christ the Lord; Sing priase with exultation, King of each heathen nation, The God of hosts adored!
2. With joy is heaven resounding |
3. From cross to throne ascending, We follow Chirst on high And know the pathway wending To mansions in the sky. Our Lord is gone before; Yet here He will not leave us, But soon in heaven receive us And open wide the door.
4. Our place He is preparing; |
5. Let all our thoughts be winging To where Thou didst ascend, And let our hearts be singing: We seek Thee, Christ, our Friend, Thee, God's exalted Son, Our Life, and Way to heaven, To whom all power is given, Our Joy and Hope and Crown. |
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