Melody - "Da Jesus an des Kreuzes"
1. Our blessed Savior seven times spoke When on the cross our sins He took And died lest man should perish. Let us His last and dying words In our remembrance cherish.
2. Father, forgive these men, for, lo,
3. Now to the contrite thief He cries:
4. To weeping Mary, standing by,
5. The Savior's fourth word was I thirst! |
6. The fifth, My God, My God, oh, why Forsake Me? Hark. the awe-full cry! Lord, Thou wast here forsaken That we might be received on high; Let this hope not be shaken.
7. The sixth, when victory was won,
8. The last, as woe and sufferings end,
9. Whoe'er, by sense of sin opprest,
10. O Jesus Christ, Thou Crucified, |
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