Some say the week of toil is done

Melody - Melita or Carey. A Sunday morning hymn.

1. Some say the week of toil is done
On this the day of ready rest,
But this the day when God the son
Dealt death to death is first and best.
This day the first and finest, Lord:
Reveal the Word within the word.

2. As on the day of Pentecost
Disciples waited, watched and prayed
So we who wish to serve your cause
Pray on the first and finest day.
We watch and wait to meet you, Lord:
Reveal the Word within the word.
  3. You came to still the voice of doubt
In Thomas on this day of grace;
You seized his fear and cast it out,
Gave him to cry the cry of faith.
Give us to cry, 'My God, my Lord'
Reveal the Word within the word.

4. Like John in exile on the isle
With you in Spirit on this day,
We long to see transforming sights
About the battles of today.
We long to serve you in the world:
Reveal the Word within the word.

5. The Word made flesh we long to meet,
Discern his action, hear his speech;
At home, abroad, in field and street
His lesson and example teach.
So speak to us this Sunday, Lord:
Reveal the Word within the word.

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