Sweet the Moments, Rich in Blessing


Melody - "Ringe recht, wenn Gottes Gnade"


Walter Shirley

1. Sweet the moments, rich in blessing,
Which before the cross we spend,
Life and health and peace possessing
From the sinner's dying Friend.

2. Here we rest in wonder, viewing
All our sins on Jesus laid;
Here we see redemption flowing
From the sacrifice He made.

3. Here we find the dawn of heaven
While upon the cross we gaze,
See our trespasses forgiven,
And our songs of triumph raise.

4. Oh, that, near the cross abiding,
We may to the Savior cleave,
Naught with Him our hearts dividing,
All for Him content to leave!

5. Lord, in loving contemplation
Fix our hearts and eyes on Thee
Till we taste Thy full salvation
And we unveiled glory see.

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