The Mantle so Green

Melody -

As I went out walking one morning in June,
To view the fair fields and the meadows in bloom,
I spied a young damsel she appeared like a queen
With her costly fine robes and her mantle so green.

2. I stood with amazement and was struck with surprise
I thought her an angel that fell from the skies,
Her eyes were like diamonds, her cheeks like the rose
She is one of the fairest that nature composed.

3. I said, "My pretty fair maid, if you will come with me
We'll both join in wedlock, and married we'll be,
I'll dress you in rich vesture, you'll appear like a queen,
With your costly fine robes and your mantle so green."

4. She answered me, "Young man, you must me excuse,
For I'll wed with no man, you must be refused;
To the woods I will wander to shun all men's view,
For the lad that I love fell in famed Waterloo."

5. "O, then, if you won't marry, tell me your love's name,
For I being in battle, I might know the same."
"Draw near to my garment and there will be seen,
His name all embroidered on my mantle of green."

6. In raising her mantle there I did behold
His name and his surname were in letters of gold;
Young William O'Reilly appeared to my view
He was my chief comrade in famed Waterloo.

7. "We fought so victorious where the bullets did fly
In the far field of honour your true love does lie,
We fought for three days till the fourth afternoon,
He received his death summons on the 18th of June.

8. But when he was dying I heard his last cry
'If you were here, Lovely Nancy, contented I'd die;'
Now Peace is proclaimed, and the truth I declare
Here is your love token, the gold ring I wear."

9. She stood in amazement, the pale she did grow,
She flew to my arms with a heart full of woe,
"To the woods I will wander for the lad I adore,"
"Rise up, lovely Nancy, your grief I'll remove.

10. O, Nancy, dear Nancy, 'tis I won your heart
In your father's garden that day we did part.
Now the wars are all over, no trouble is seen
And I'll wed with my true love in her mantle so green."

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