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My ain countrie
My Anchor Holds
My country, 'tis of Thee - National Anthem
My course is run - Wer weiß, wie nahe mir mein Ende
My faith it is an oaken staff
My faith looks up to Thee - Olivet
My Father for another night
My father watches over
My God, accept my heart this day - Winchester Old
My God, how wonderful thou art - Dundee
My God, my Father, make me strong - Es ist kein Tag
My God, my Father, while I stray - Es ist kein Tag
My gracious Lord I own Thy right
My guiding star
My Guy (My God)
My heart is longing to praise my Savior - Princess Eugenie
My heart was sad 'till I met Jesus
My Heav'nly Home
My happy home
My heart belongs to
My heart ever faithful
My heart shall rejoice Lord Jesus
My hope is built on nothing less - Melita - Notes
My hope is built on nothing less - The Solid Rock
My hope is built on nothing less - Magdalen
My inmost heart now raises - Aus meines Herzens Grunde
My Jesus as Thou wilt
My Jesus I Love Thee - My Jesus I Love Thee
My Jesus, as Thou wilt - Denby
My Life Flows On in Endless Song
My Lord of Light My Lord
My Lord What a Morning - Burleigh
My Maker, be Thou nigh - Mein Schöpfer, steh mir bei
My mother died a shoutin'
My mother
My Mother's Bible - My Mother's Bible
My only hope must be in Jesus
My Redeemer and my Lord
My Rock
My Savior sinners doth receive - Mein Heiland
My shepherd is the living Lord
My song is love unknown - Rhosymedre
My soul be on thy guard
My soul doth magnify the Lord - Ich heb mein Augen sehnlich auf
My soul doth magnify the Lord - Wo Gott zum Haus nicht gibt sein Gunst
My soul now magnifies the Lord - Ich heb mein Augen sehnlich auf
My soul now magnifies the Lord - Wo Gott zum Haus nicht gibt sein Gunst
My Soul Proclaims Your Greatness
My soul, be on thy guard - Schumann
My Soul, Now Bless Thy Maker - Nun lob, mein' Seel', den Herren
My soul, now praise your maker! - Nun lob, mein' Seel', den Herren
My soul's best Friend, what joy and blessing - Umschließ mich ganz mit
My soul's best Friend, what joy and blessing - Wie wohl ist mir, o Freund
My spirit on Thy care - Potsdam
My sweet lord
My Task
My way is cloudy
My wonderful dream

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