Adeste, fideles

Melodie - Melodie - From Portugal

John Francis Wade, 1711-1786

Adeste, fideles,
Laeti triumphantes,
Venite, venite in Bethlehem.
Natum videte
Regem angelorum.
||: Venite adoremus, :||

En grege relicto,
Humiles ad cunas
Vocati pastores approperant.
Et nos ovanti
Gradu festinemus;
||: Venite adoremus, :||

Stella duce, Magi
Christum adorantes
Aurum, tus, et myrrham dant munera.
Iesu infanti
Corda praebeamus;
||: Venite adoremus. :||

Cantet nunc hymnos
Chorus angelorum;
Cantet nunc aula caelestium:
"Gloria, gloria
In excelsis Deo!"
||: Venite adoremus, :||

Deum de Deo,
Lumen de Lumine,
Gestant puellae viscera,
Deum verum,
Genitum non factum.
||: Venite adoremus. :||

Aeterni Parentis
splendorem aeternum,
Velatum sub carne videbimus;
Deum infantem
pannis involutem.
||: Venite adoremus. :||

Pro nobis egenum
et foeno cubantem,
Piis foveamus amplexibus.
Sic nos amantem
quis non redamaret?
||: Venite adoremus. :||

Ergo qui natus
die hodierna
Iesu tibi sit gloria
Patris aeterni
Verbum caro factum
||: Venite adoremus. :||


Oh come, all ye faithful,
Joyful and triumphant,
O come ye, o come ye to Bethlehem!
Come and behold him,
Born the king of angels:
O come let us adore him,
O come let us adore him,
O come let us adore him,
Christ the Lord!

Herbei, o ihr Gläubigen,
Jauchzt und triumphieret,
O kommet, o kommet nach Bethlehem!
Schauet das Kindlein,
Uns zum Heiland geboren!
O lasset uns anbeten,
O lasset uns anbeten,
O lasset uns anbeten,
Den König, den Herrn!

Kami no Miko wa, koyoi shi mo,
Betsurehemu ni umare-tamo,
Iza ya tomo yo, morotomoni,
Isogi yukite ogamazu ya,
Isogi yukite ogamazu ya!

Peuple fidèle,
le Seigneur t'appelle :
c'est fête sur terre,
le Christ est né.
Viens à la crèche
voir le Roi du monde.
||:En lui viens reconnaître :||
ton Dieu, ton Sauveur.

"Adeste fideles" was written around 1742 by an Englishman named John Francis Wade who was employed at the Roman Catholic Center at Douay, France. In 1841 Frederick Oakeley translated it into English and then in 1852 again translated the hymn into the English words known today - "O Come, All Ye Faithful."

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