How Precious is the Book Divine

Melody -

John Fawcett

How precious is the Book Divine,
By inspiration given!
Bright as a lamp its doctrines shine
To guide our souls to heaven.

2. It's light, descending from above
Our gloomy world to cheer,
Displays a Savior's boundless love
And brings his glories near.

3. It shows to man his wandering ways
And where his feet have trod,
And brings to view the matchless grace
Of a forgiving God.

  4. O'er all the straight and narrow way
Its radiant beams are cast;
A light whose never weary ray
Grows brightest at the last.

5. It sweetly cheers our drooping hearts
In this dark vale of tears,
Life, light, and joy it still imparts
And quells our rising fears.

6. This lamp through all the tedious night
Of life shall guide our way
Till we behold the clearer light
Of an eternal day.

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