Melody - "Mabune no naka ni " Seigi Abe, 1891-1974
1. In a lowly manger born, Humble life begun in scorn; Under Joseph's watchful eye, Jesus grew as you and I; Knew the suff'ring of the weak. Knew the patience of the meek, Hungered as but poor folk can; This is he. Behold the man! |
2. Visiting the lone and lost, Steadying the tempest tossed, Giving of himself in love, Calling minds to things above. Sinners gladly hear his call; Publicans before him fall, For in him new life began; This is he. Behold the man! |
3. Then to rescue you and me, Jesus died upon the tree. See in him God's love revealed; By his Passion we are healed. Now he lives in glory bright, Lives again in Pow'r and might; Come and take the path he trod, Son of Mary, Son of God. |
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