In a Lowly Manger Born

Melody - "Mabune no naka ni " Seigi Abe, 1891-1974

Koh Yuki, 1923

1. In a lowly manger born,
Humble life begun in scorn;
Under Joseph's watchful eye,
Jesus grew as you and I;
Knew the suff'ring of the weak.
Knew the patience of the meek,
Hungered as but poor folk can;
This is he. Behold the man!
2. Visiting the lone and lost,
Steadying the tempest tossed,
Giving of himself in love,
Calling minds to things above.
Sinners gladly hear his call;
Publicans before him fall,
For in him new life began;
This is he. Behold the man!

3. Then to rescue you and me,
Jesus died upon the tree.
See in him God's love revealed;
By his Passion we are healed.
Now he lives in glory bright,
Lives again in Pow'r and might;
Come and take the path he trod,
Son of Mary, Son of God.

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