The K
The Keeper - Melody
The Kelligrews Soiree - Melody
The Kerry Dance
The Kerry Recruit
The Kesh Jig - Melody
The Kilruddery Hunt
The King of France
The king sits in Dunfermline toon
The King's Breakfast
The Kinkaiders
The Lads of Virginia
The Lady's Policy - Melody
The Lakes of Cool Flynn
The Lakes Of Pontchartrain - Melody
The lambs on the green hills
The Land God Forgot
The Land of my Fathers is dear - Melody
The Lane County Bachelor
The Lark in the Clear Air - Melody
The lark in the morning she arises from her nest
The Lass That Loves a Sailor
The Last Rose of Summer - Melody
The Law of the Yukon
The Leaving of Liverpool - Melody - Notes
The Leaving of Liverpool - Melody - Notes
The Legend of Ireland's Magic Harp
The Legion of the Rearguard
The Lifeboat Crew
The Lily Of The West - Melody
The Limerick Rake
The Lincolnshire Poacher - Melody
The Lion and Albert
The Lion and the Unicorn
The little black dog ran round the house
The Little Old Red Shawl My Mother Wore
The Little Old Sod Shanty
The little priest of Felton
The Little Saucepan - Melody
The Liverpool Hornpipe - Melody
The Lobster Quadrille
The London Hornpipe - Melody
The Lone Star Trail
The Lone Trail
The lonely sunsets flare forlorn
The Lorelei - Melodie
The Loughgall Ambush
The Lover's Lament
The Low-Backed Car
The Low-Down White
The Lure of Little Voices
The Mad Gardener's Song
The Mad Lady And Me
The Maid Freed from the Gallows
The Maid From The Parish Of Penderyn - Melody
The Maid of Llanwellyn - Melody
The Maid Who Sold Her Barley
The Maid with the Bonny Brown Hair
The Maids Of Arrochar - Melody
The Man From the Daily Mail
The man in the moon
The man in the wilderness
The Man Who Broke the Bank At Monte Carlo
The Man Who Died and Rose Again - Melody
The Manchester Angel - Melody
The Mantle so Green
The Maple Leaf forever - Melody
The Meeting of the Waters - Melody
The Men Behind the Wire
The Merry Ploughboy
The mess-tent is full and the glasses are set
The Midnight Train
The Miller of Dee - Melody
The Minstrel Boy - Melody - Notes
The Missouri Harmony
The Mist Covered Mountains - Melody
The Monkey's Wedding
The moon on the ocean was dimm'd by a ripple
The moon shines bright the stars give a light - Melody
The more we get together - Melodie
The Moreen - Melody - Notes
The Morn of Life is Past
The morn was breaking bright and fair
The moonshiner
The Mountain Tay
The Mountains of Mourne - Melody
The Mountains of Pomeroy
The Muckin' o' Geordie's Byre - Melody
The Mulligan guards
The Newfoundland Dog
The news frae Moidart cam' yestreen
The night being dark and very cold - Melody
The Night of the King's Castration
The night that I was married
The night that Paddy Murphy died
The night was dark and the fight had ended
The night was icy cold I stood along
The Nightingale
The Nightingales of Lincoln's Inn
The Norfolk Girls
The North Wind Doth Blow