Henry Russell

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Some Compositions of Henry Russell 24.12.1812 - 8.12.1900

A Farmer's Wife I'll Be - 1857 - George Henry Russell
A Life by De Galley Fire - Russell
A Life in the West - 1844 - Text: George Pope Morris, 1802-1864
A Life on the Ocean Wave - 1838 - Text: Epes Sargent
A Sober Spouse For Me - 1844 - Text: George Pope Morris, 1802-1864;
A Song For The Man - 1844 - Epes Sargent
Canadian Sleigh Song - Charles Mackay
Charter Oak! Charter Oak Ancient and Fair! - Mrs. Sigourney
Cheer Boys Cheer - Charles Mackay
Come Brothers Arouse - 1837 - William B. Bernard, Esqr.
Dear Janet (Ballad) - Frederick West
Far, Far Upon the Sea - Charles Mackay, L.L.D.
Festival Song of the World's Fair - Charles MacKay
God Bless the Fire Brigade - George Douglas Phillips
I Care Not For Spring on His Fickle Wing - 1838 - by "BOZ" [Charles Dickens]
I Love the Night - 1837 - George Pope Morris, 1802-1864
I Love, I Love The Free - 1840 - Russell
If I Had But a Thousand a Year; or, Robin Ruff - 1843 - Text: Russell
I'm Afloat! I'm Afloat! - 1843 - Eliza Cook
Indian Hunter Quick Step - 1844 - Arr. by Allen Dodworth
Jollie's Popular & Select Ballads - George Pope Morris, 1802-1864
Land Ho! - 1843 - George Pope Morris, 1802-1864
Land! Land! Land! - Charles Mackay, L.L.D.
Let Us Be Gay! - 1841 - Russell
Little Topsy's Song - Eliza Cook
Long Parted Have We Been - Charles Mackay
Major McPherson Was A Very Nice Man - 1841 - Russell
Man the Life Boat - Mrs. Crawford
Many Changes I Have Seen - Charles Mackay, L.L.D.
My Heart's in the Highlands - 1837 - Robert Burns
My Mother's Bible - 1841 - Text: George Pope Morris, 1802-1864
Nature's Fine Old Gentleman - 1841 - Russell
Oh Why Should We Bewail the Dead - Charles Mackay
Oh! This Love! - 1841 - George Pope Morris, 1802-1864
Old King Time! - 1841 - Russell
Our Native Song - 1841 - Russell
Our Way Across the Mountain, Ho - 1838 - Charles Mackay, Esqr.
Pull Away Cheerily!; or, The Gold Digger's Song - Harry Lee Carter
Rockaway; or, On Old Long Island's Sea-Girt Shore - 1840 - Henry John Sharpe
Some Love to Roam O'er the Dark Sea Foam - 1836 - Charles Mackay, Esq.
The Brave Old Oak - 1837 - Russell
The Chieftain's Daughter - 1841 - George Pope Morris, 1802-1864
The Corsair Glee, "Row onward row my brave Corsairs" - 1838 -
The Dream of the Reveller
The Emigrant's Farewell - 1843 - Leigh Cliffe, Esq.
The Fine Old English Gentleman - Text: Russell
The Fisher Boy Merrily Lives - 1840 - Eliza Cook
The Gambler's Wife - 1841 - Dr. Coates
The Heart That's True - 1841 - Eliza Cook
The Indian Hunter - Eliza Cook
The Ivy Green - 1838 - "Boz" [Charles Dickens]
The Land of St. Patrick. Erin-Go-Bragh - John Brougham
The Mad Girl's Song - 1840 - T. C. Grattan, Esq.
The Main Truck; or, A Leap For Life - 1844 - George Pope Morris, 1802-1864
The Main, the Main, the Flowing Main - 1845 - Henry John Sharpe, Esq.
The Maniac - 1840 - Russell and Monk Lewis
The Merry Spring - Russell
The Mother Who Hath a Child at Sea - 1841 - Russell
The New Foundland Dog - 1843 - Text: F. W. N. Bailey
The Old Arm Chair - 1840 - Text: Eliza Cook
The Old Farm Gate - 1840 - Text: Eliza Cook
The Old Schoolhouse - 1841 - Text: Park Benjamin
The Old Sexton - 1841 - Text: Park Benjamin
The Old Water Mill - 1840 - Eliza Cook
The Pilgrim's Address to the Deity - 1841 - Henry John Sharpe
The Poor Man's Friend - Eliza Cook
The Rising Sun - 1843 - Henry John Sharpe
The Rochester Union Grays - 1839 -
The Ship on Fire - Charles Mackay, Esq.
The Slave Ship - Russell
The Soldier and His Bride - 1841 - George Pope Morris, 1802-1864
The Spider and the Fly - 1844 - Russell
To The West! - Charles MacKay
Traitor Spare That Flag - 1861 - W. T. Wetmore, M.D.
Washingtons Tomb - 1837 - Mrs. L. H. Sigourney
We Were Boys Together - 1841 - George Pope Morris, 1802-1864
When I Rov'd A Young Highlander - Lord Byron
Will Nobody Marry Me? - 1841 - George Pope Morris, 1802-1864
Wind of the Winter Night, Whence Comest Thou? - 1836 - Charles MacKay
Woodman! Spare That Tree! - 1837 - Text

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(Not yet typed)
(I don't have these yet)

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