O a beggar man cam' ower yon lea
O' a' the seasons o' the year - Melody
O Flower of Scotland - Melody
O Gae To the Kye Wi' Me Johnny
O gaily sings the lark
O lassie art thou sleeping yet
O my love's like a red red rose - Melody
O Rattlin' Roarin' Willie - Melody
O Rowan Tree - Melody
O That I Had Never Been Married
O the auld hoose the auld hoose - Melody
O the summer time has come
O wae be to the orders that marched my love awa'
O waly waly up the bank
O wha will lace my shoes sae sma'
O where tell me where is your Highland laddie gone? - Melody
O'er The Moor Among The Heather - Melody
Old Ned's a Rare Strong Chap
On August twait frae Aberdeen
One Hundred Pipers - Melody
Over hillways up and down - Melody
Piobaireachd of Donald Dhu - Melody
Red Red Rose - Melody
Rickett's Hornpipe - Melody
Road to the Isles - Melody
Roamin' in the Gloamin'
Rowan Tree - Melody
Roy's Wife
Sally Hunter of Thurston - Melody
Scotland the Brave - Melody
Scots wha' hae wi' Wallace bled - Melody
She's leaned her back against an oak
Shiny Dew
Should auld acquaintance be forgot - Melody
Sir Patrick Spens
Skye Boat Song - Melody
Some returned from the fields of gory
Sound the pibroch loud and high
Stool of Repentance - Melody
Strike the Bell - Melody
Such a Parcel of Rogues
Sure by Tummel and Loch Rannoch and Lochaber - Melody
Sweet Is The Lass That Dwells Among The Heather - Melody
Syd Chalmers - Melody