Dainty Davie
Davie Gordon o' Kirkhill
Devil Among the Tailors - Melody
Dheanainn sùgradh ris an nigh'n dubh
Donald MacGillavry
Donald Where's Your Trousers?
Donald's gane up the hill hard and hungry
Down Deeside cam' Inverey
Duchess of Manchester - Melody
Dumbarton's Drums - Melody
Duncan Davidson - Melody
Duncan Davison - Melody
Eriskay Love Lilt - Melody
Errol it's a bonnie place
Ev'ry road thro' life is a long long road
Fair Fa' The Minstrel - Melody
Fair is the morn in flow'ry May
Fare thee weel you dungeons dark and strong - Melody
Fareweel to a' our Scottish fame
Farewell To Tarwathie - Melody
Fear A' Bhata (The Boatmen) - Melody
Fields O Bannockburn
Flow Gently, Sweet Afton - Melody
Flower O'Scotland - Melody
Flowers of Edinburgh - Melody
For fame and for fortune I wandered the earth
Four Marys - Melody
Gae To the Kye Wi' Me Johnny
Glasgow Lasses - Melody
Glenlogie - Melody
Green Grow the Rashes O! - Melody
Greenwoodside - Melody
Gypsie Laddie
Hap and row hap and row
Hark when the night is falling - Melody
Harvest Home (Scottish) - Melody
Haughs of Cromdale
Heir o' Linne
High Road to Linton - Melody
High upon the Hielands and laigh upon the Tay
Highland Laddie - Melody
Highland Mary
Highland Muster Roll
Ho Ro My Nut Brown Maiden - Melody
Hughie Grame
Hundred Pipers - Melody
I Belong to Glasgow
I bought a wife in Edinburgh - Melody
I have heard the mavis singing
I just got in from the Isle of Skye
I Maun Hae a Wife
I'm a Rover and Seldom Sober
I'm a working chap as you may see
I'm gaun to sing ye a sang
In Perth there lived a bonnie lad
Is there for honest poverty - Melody
Isle of Skye - Melody
It fell on a day on a bonnie summer's day
It was in and through the window broads
It was in the pleasant month of June
I've been wi' a couple o' cronies
I've heard them liltin' at the ewe milkin' - Melody
I've seen lots of bonnie lassies travellin' far and wide
I've traveled east and I've traveled west