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A few of the songs out of the large Folksongs index
Many of the Melodies on this Page were sequenced by Barry Taylor


Dainty Davie
Davie Gordon o' Kirkhill
Devil Among the Tailors - Melody
Dheanainn sùgradh ris an nigh'n dubh
Donald MacGillavry
Donald Where's Your Trousers?
Donald's gane up the hill hard and hungry
Down Deeside cam' Inverey
Duchess of Manchester - Melody
Dumbarton's Drums - Melody
Duncan Davidson - Melody
Duncan Davison - Melody

Eriskay Love Lilt - Melody
Errol it's a bonnie place
Ev'ry road thro' life is a long long road

Fair Fa' The Minstrel - Melody
Fair is the morn in flow'ry May
Fare thee weel you dungeons dark and strong - Melody
Fareweel to a' our Scottish fame
Farewell To Tarwathie - Melody
Fear A' Bhata (The Boatmen) - Melody
Fields O Bannockburn
Flow Gently, Sweet Afton - Melody
Flower O'Scotland - Melody
Flowers of Edinburgh - Melody
For fame and for fortune I wandered the earth
Four Marys - Melody

Gae To the Kye Wi' Me Johnny
Glasgow Lasses - Melody
Glenlogie - Melody
Green Grow the Rashes O! - Melody
Greenwoodside - Melody
Gypsie Laddie

Hap and row hap and row
Hark when the night is falling - Melody
Harvest Home (Scottish) - Melody
Haughs of Cromdale
Heir o' Linne
High Road to Linton - Melody
High upon the Hielands and laigh upon the Tay
Highland Laddie - Melody
Highland Mary
Highland Muster Roll
Ho Ro My Nut Brown Maiden - Melody
Hughie Grame
Hundred Pipers - Melody

I Belong to Glasgow
I bought a wife in Edinburgh - Melody
I have heard the mavis singing
I just got in from the Isle of Skye
I Maun Hae a Wife
I'm a Rover and Seldom Sober
I'm a working chap as you may see
I'm gaun to sing ye a sang
In Perth there lived a bonnie lad
Is there for honest poverty - Melody
Isle of Skye - Melody
It fell on a day on a bonnie summer's day
It was in and through the window broads
It was in the pleasant month of June
I've been wi' a couple o' cronies
I've heard them liltin' at the ewe milkin' - Melody
I've seen lots of bonnie lassies travellin' far and wide
I've traveled east and I've traveled west

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